
March 31, 2015

Government publish Technical Housing Standards Review and update Building Regulations with new security standard for Windows and Doorsets.

Government publish Technical Housing Standards Review and update Building Regulations with new security standard for Windows and Doorsets.

On 27 March 2015, the government announced a new approach to the setting of technical housing standards in England. This was accompanied by the publication of a new set of streamlined national technical standards.

It published a planning written ministerial statement which outlined the policy on the application of these technical standards for plan making and decision-taking.

Main elements of the review

 The new approach introduces optional building regulations requirements for access (volumes 1 and 2) and water efficiency which provide a higher standard than the minimum national building regulations.

Powers to introduce these optional requirements are now included in the Building Act 1984 as amended by the Deregulation Act 2015. The Statutory Instrument implementing the regulations has also been laid. The changes are explained in a building regulations circular 01/2015 and circular letter.

A nationally described space standard has been introduced which will be implemented through the planning system.

The optional regulations and space standard can only be applied where there is a local plan policy based on evidenced local need and where the viability of development is not compromised.

New Security Standard for Windows and Doorsets

In addition, a new security standard has now been included in the building regulations (Part Q) which covers new guidance on the design, installation and fixing of secure doorsets and windows. The full Approved Document Q can be found on the planning portal website at https://www.planningportal.gov.uk/uploads/br/BR_PDF_AD_Q_2015.pdf

To read more on the Review please click here https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/providing-effective-building-regulations-so-that-new-and-altered-buildings-are-safe-accessible-and-efficient/supporting-pages/technical-housing-standards-review


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