The GGF has launched its new online Emergency Glazing Register to help property owners quickly find reliable and professional emergency glazing companies and make their properties safe and reasonably secure in an emergency situation.
The Emergency Glazing Register has been produced following recent discussions between the GGF Emergency Glazing Group, chaired by Sam Grant of GG Glass and Glazing and GGF Marketing. The main reasons for the new register were based upon reports of property owners having difficulty in finding professional glaziers that offered a genuine 24/7 emergency service.
GGF Member and Emergency Glazing Group spokesman, Paul Rogers of Express Glazing Contractors commented; “Nobody knows when an emergency glazier will next be urgently needed, to first “make-safe” and then re-glaze. It was essential for the GGF to set up an Emergency Glazing Register with the hot link on the GGF website homepage to help people find a genuine emergency glazing company, quickly.”
The Emergency Glazing Register contains 66 companies/outlets offering UK wide coverage. On the register are instant contact details of all GGF Member companies who operate a 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year emergency service.
James Lee, GGF Marketing and Communications Manager commented, “With Emergency Glazing being a key emergency service that sits just behind Police, Fire and Ambulance services, it was vital that the GGF set up an instantly accessible list of companies that can make properties safe and reasonably secure. The GGF Members on the register all comply with the Emergency Glazing criteria set out by the GGF. “
The GGF will be widely promoting the new Emergency Glazing Register to ensure property owners and related emergency services know exactly where to find a professional glazier in an emergency.
If you provide an emergency glazing service and are not on the GGF Emergency Glazing Register, but would like to be added, please contact Peter Stuttard, GGF Emergency Glazing Group Secretary by email at or by telephone 020 7939 9101.
To view the new Emergency Glazing Register please visit: