With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) creating chaos in almost every sector across the world, many companies in the service industry are now accepting that work can continue using digital technology and the GGF is no different.
The GGF’s services such as technical support, membership meetings as well as marketing and communications have if anything been more productive during these extraordinary times.
Technical Support

On the technical support, the GGF has issued direct contact details for the technical team. Though working remotely, the GGF Senior Technical Officers, David Borland and Ben Wallace have been gaining and sharing information at key technical meetings via video conference. These meetings have been with standards committees, research organisations and construction trade organisations.
Members Meetings
Throughout this crisis, the GGF Members are still meeting and engaging with each other via GGF meetings held on video conference. In the last four weeks, the GGF signed up to various video conferencing platforms that can hold meetings of up to 100 people. The GGF recently held its standards committee meeting and in the next month has five members meetings scheduled for video conference including;
- Political Strategy Committee (6th May)
- Marketing and Communications Committee (14th May)
- Home Improvement Executive (20th May)
Members of the above Groups will be sent links by the respective Group secretaries inviting them to join the video conference to take part in the meetings.
Marketing and Communications
The GGF External Affairs and Marketing department is continuing to send Members the latest industry and GGF news as and when it happens. In the last six weeks (since lockdown) the GGF has:
- Published 34 articles online
- Released GLASSi online magazine (spring issue)
- Sent regular COVID-19 updates via direct email to Members
- Distributed 14 press releases to the trade, consumer and political media
- Uploaded new content 3 times per week on GGF.org.uk
The GGF has also been actively involved in lobbying and contacting Government on behalf of its members and the wider industry.
On the GGF’s continued support, John Agnew, GGF Managing Director commented, “With members contacting the GGF every day looking for support, advice and guidance, our team are delivering the levels of service our members expect. We will continue to provide our core functions for Members benefit during this crisis but I would suggest to all in membership to feel free to contact us if they feel we can help them through this crisis.”
Contact the GGF: