Channel Glass: New GGF Technical Datasheets Launched
The GGF’s Technical Team is continuing to update the Federation’s “best in industry” Technical Datasheets with the introduction of Series 4.6 Channel Glass.

David Borland, GGF Senior Technical Officer commented, “This product has seen a real resurgence in recent times and we felt that GGF guidance on the product and its applications was long overdue. They are a welcome addition to the GGF’s technical library.”
The new Series consists of five comprehensive Datasheets with details on; the types of channel glass available such as wired; unwired and toughened, single and double glazed as well as methods of installation, both vertical and horizontal and all aligned with the relevant British and European Standards.
Whilst the lockdown continues to affect travel for Technical Meetings and Site Visits, the Technical Team continue to use the opportunity to bring the GGF’s library of technical information up-to-date whilst also creating new publications that GGF Members have requested. A new Series 6 for Windows & Doorsets and Hardware is currently in its first draft and will be issued shortly for review and comments to the members of the relevant technical groups.
Series 4.6 Channel Glass Datasheets
GGF Data Sheet 4.6.1
Channel Shaped Glass: Generalities – Definitions, Terminology, Properties
GGF Data Sheet 4.6.2
GGF Datasheet: Channel Shaped Glass – Annealed – Wired and Unwired
GGF Data Sheet 4.6.3
Channel Shaped Glass: Thermally Toughened Soda Lime Silicate Channel Shaped Safety Glass
GGF Data Sheet 4.6.4
GGF Datasheet: Channel Shaped Glass – Coated Channel Shaped Glass
GGF Data Sheet 4.6.5
Channel Shaped Glass: Glazing and performance of Channel Shaped Glass
GGF Technical Groups
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Visit our Glass and Glazing Technical Groups here