Glazing Executive & Groups

The Glazing Executive is the overarching body within the GGF that represents all GGF member companies who manufacture glass and glazing products – including most of the key players within the glazing industry.

Decorative Glass & Structures

Fire Resistant Glazing Group

Insulating glass units

Window Film Group

Architectural & Engineered Glass Group

Glass Installers Group

Glazing Technical Group

Association of Composite Door Manufacturers (ACDM)

The ACDM was formed in 2002 in response to the growing demand for and the increasing number of door manufacturers offering Composite pedestrian entrance doorsets to the UK housing market. The aim, to introduce self-regulation and discipline into the new type of external doorsets manufactured from a combination of new technology materials. Composite doorsets being supplied to both the new build and retrofit markets, in particular the social housing sectors.

The Associations primary goals were to promote the use of composite doorsets to all markets and to develop a British Standard for the specification of composite doorsets. BS 8529 Composite doorsets – Domestic external doorsets – Specification was published in 2010 and the latest revision was published in 2017. Membership of the ACDM has been further widened to include System Suppliers, Component Suppliers and Installation and Maintenance companies.