Technical Team Update
We would like to inform all GGF Members that David Borland, GGF Head of Technical, has left the GGF after six years to focus on family and personal matters.

It is important that we take this moment to thank David for his unwavering commitment and dedication to the GGF during his time with the business. Under David’s leadership, the GGF Technical Team has achieved unparalleled success and has unrivalled expertise across the sector. The quality and level of service they provide to the GGF community is something they should be justly proud of.
As we begin the recruitment process for a new Head of Technical, we are pleased to announce that Kevin Jones, Senior Technical Officer, will be acting Head of Technical in the interim. A big thank you to Kevin for stepping into this role and ensuring continuity during this transition.
We are confident that the Technical Team, with Kevin’s leadership, will continue to provide the high standard of support and expertise that our members have come to expect.
Once again, we extend our gratitude to David for his contribution to the GGF and we wish him all the best.